The TEst stand for X-band (TEX) has been established in 2022 at Frascati National Laboratories of INFN in the context of LATINO (Laboratory in Advanced Technologies for INnOvation) and Rome Technopole Projects founded by Regione Lazio and NextGenerationEu and directly involved in the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB flagship project.

TEX facility layout (outside the bunker) and power sources description

TEX is dedicated to the examination of X-band (11.994 GHz) aiming to develop and test the radiofrequency technologies operating at high power and high repetition rate. Two X-band RF sources in parallel power two users stations at distinct proprieties to test accelerating structures and examinate them for the operation on future particle accelerators for medical, industrial and research applications. The facility is also made up of C-band (5.712 GHz) linac called Fringe to validate the radiofrequency technologies and use the beam line to qualify a specific equipment as biological samples or electronic devices under certain conditions.

Thanks to its specifications TEX is considered an user facility where private or public institutions can prove their DUTs (Devices Under Test) as accelerating structures or biological and electronical samples setting singular working point. Advanced and state-of-the-art systems are developed by physicists and engineers to offer a unique test-stand on the global scene.